I'm at the Watchtower Study and I have a few questions.
by biblexaminer 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
As far as the "memorial" goes...Should an anointed follower of Jesus share the cup with unbelievers?Would the cup not be polluted by an outsider, invited in to a sacred thing?Should one who is "truly anointed" share the cup with “those who mistakenly think that they are anointed... may have mental or emotional problems that lead them to believe that they will rule with Christ in heaven.”Excerpt From: WATCHTOWER. “The Watchtower (Study), January 2016.” Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. iBooks. (Today's study par. 13.)As I type on my iPad, in a window, from my seat, we are on par 2 -
Jesus said not to exalt ones self. The bible says there is no favoritism with God . the bible says all who believe and profess Jesus is Christ are saved and are sons of God. Notice it's All no distiction book of romans. All who believe are part of the body of Christ who is the only anointed one and because they are part of his body they to have his anointing. All Christians are anointed the JWs have it all wrong and thier teaching was put in place to exalt thier leadership a layity Class.
I posted a topic titled , Proper understanding of the Mediator & New Covenant. The information here is very close to an accurate understanding with a couple of minor changes I learned later.
Should the cup even be passed to fornicators etc. -
Didnt Russell write that everyone should be allowed to partake? Even if they came from another religion and attended? -
And what about children? Do we pass it to them to see if they feel the need to partake?
'annointed children'