This listing doesn't say if any contact has ever been made or if this person's search was successful.
I have a particular affinity to those who search for their families of origin. I was 5 years old when I was told that my mother had been adopted and it took me until I was 40 to find out who my "real" grandmother was. I was obsessed with finding out who my ancestors were. I never stopped looking until I found them
Here is the listing that I found concerning a 17 year old JW girl who gave birth in San Diego back in 1960. Maybe the names and/or circumstances will provoke someone to help this person find their family:
Adoptee Birth Date: 2-23-1960
Adoptee Gender: Male
Adoptee Birth Race: White
Name given to Adoptee by Birth Parents: ?
Adoptee Birth City: San Diego, CA
Adoptee Birth County: San Diego County
Adoptee Birth State: California
Adoptee Birth Country: USA
Adoptee Birth Mothers Name: ?
Adoptee Birth Mothers Maiden Name: (On File)
Adoptee Birth Mothers Race: White
Adoptee Birth Fathers Name: ?
Adoptee Birth Fathers Race: White
Adoptee Birth Hospital: Doctor's Hospital
Adoption Agency or Attorney: ?
Age of Adoptee when Adopted: Given up at birth
Name given to Adoptee by Adoptive Parents: Marc Franklin Clements (Deceased)
City adoption took place: San Diego, CA
County adoption took place: San Diego County
State adoption took place: California
Country Adoption took place: USA
Adoptive Mothers Name: Gloria Clements or Gloria Hogue (This may be misspelled on birth certificate as "Hugue"?)
Adoptive Mothers Maiden Name: Hogue (This may be misspelled on birth certificate as "Hugue"?)
Adoptive Fathers Name: Wallace Clements
Email Address: [email protected]
Searching For: My Father's Birth Parents, Any Birth Family Members, Medical History.
All Other Information: My father was born in San Diego at Doctor's Hospital Point Loma, which no longer exists. This was a closed adoption that took place at the time of his birth. I believe his birth mother was 17 years old and is possibly of Swedish, Norwegian and / or French descent. She was described as looking just like my father (blue eyes and blonde hair). I believe that her mother may have been a member of the Jehovah's Witness Church of San Diego. His birth father may have been 18-22 years old ? at the time of my father's birth. He may have been at university in the area--he was "sent away" to school when my father was born. I believe his father was a well-known neurologist or cardiologist practicing in the San Diego area. They may have been German, or of German descent. (Update) My father Marc was 6'2" tall, with blue eyes and blond hair. He weighed between 175-180 lbs.
Date Received: 3-29-2015
Date Posted: 3-30-2015
Last Updated: 9-5-2015 & 4-9-2015 & 3-31-2015