A new article on Gerrit's thinking on "Going to College is like pulling the trigger to our mouth"

by opusdei1972 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • opusdei1972

    I have written a new article about how truthful is Gerrit's comparison. As you may know, in 2005 Gerrit Losch gave a talk in which he compared higher education with committing suicide.


    In fact, Losch is right in what the Watchtower's doctrine concern. No witness could survive as a witness after attending scientific lectures. For instance, how could you accept the Water Canopy Theory (still supported by the Watchtower Society) after attending university lectures on Geophysics???

    Jehovah was responsible for the original watering of the ground by means of a mist arising from the earth, and he established the laws governing evaporation of water and its precipitation as rain. (Ge 2:5, 6; Job 36:27; Am 5:8; see CLOUD; MIST; RAIN.) On the second creative day, God produced an expanse by having some water remain on earth while raising a great quantity high above the globe; the waters above the expanse undoubtedly supplied the water whereby the wicked were later destroyed in the Flood of Noah’s day.Ge 1:6-8; 7:11, 17-24; Isa 54:9.

    These topics I analyzed in my new article in Spanish.


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    Is that talk in the video in Portuguese?
  • opusdei1972
    It's in Italian
  • Listener

    It's great seeing Ttatt written in other languages.

    If a four year uni course is like committing suicide then I wonder what four years as a GB member could be compared to, given that they control the minds of over 8 million people.

    They recently said that they would not be sending any Bethelites to Uni because they could become too prideful.

    There's no reason why they couldn't rotate the GB positions given that it's not the GB members individually that are the FDS but only a group of anointed men when coming together are the FDS.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    The governing body are not concerned if they stunt your education. They do not care if you become dependent on the state for handouts because you do not have a career. They are not concerned if you cannot financially cope with your family’s welfare.

    Why? Because they forbid anything other than slaving for them!

    The GB are the only beneficiaries of this religion and the critical analysis of argument which is required in higher education; kills fundamentalist belief stone dead.

    The only thing which sustains the idiotic beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses is enforced ignorance. When will JWs realize it?

  • faithnomore
    Higher education is eye opening and often the result is critical thinking. just saying.

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