Never knew there was a JW connection, but episode 1 clearly shows Awake magazines
Amazon Prime - Lorena (Bobbitt)
by RandomUserName3500 7 Replies latest social entertainment
Then again plenty of people had JW mags in their homes and were not associated with JW`s in any way .
What you saw doesn`t prove anything.
Millions of people have JW mags in their homes and couldn`t give shit about the religion and that`s a fact.
Doctor Who
Her downstairs neighbor was a JW. Probably got the mag from her.
She might have kept them as emergency Toilet Paper !
It was probably the issue of the Awake! about how to cut off your husband's dick.
just saying!
eyeuse2badub- LOL... to funny.
Who gave me a dislike ? eh ? what did i say that was wrong ? LOL
neat blue dog
"Castration - Is it for Christians?"