My subtle rant aug wt p21

by bobld 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bobld

    Will we submit to theocratic direction now?

    Absolutely we will follow your directions.We the bethel family in the U.S.have been re-assigned to the field.WE ACCEPT.

    As traveling o/s because of advancing age and medical conditions we have been assigned as special pioneers.WE ACCEPT.

    Oh! we just received a new directive now we are re-assigned as regular pioneers.WE ACCEPT.

    We are now enjoying abundant blessing.We are grateful and contented,brimming with joy in our old old age.We are so close,very close to the end of our journey(lives).Soon no more pain or sorrow.Peace at last awaiting to be raised from the dead.

  • smiddy

    bobid ,

    so true, permit me to add a few more thoughts,

    We won`t have children in this system of things because the end is so close ! .When was this first presented ?

    How many years ago?

    How many now regret not having children taking this advice ?

    more importantly how many people who have spent years / decades promoting this religion as the truth now find themselves at odds with what the WTB&TS is in fact the truth .

    Jehovah`s witnesses are well known for adjusting there beliefs with the statement "of new light " in other words what they believed before is not what they now believe. , so the question that seems to evade J.W.` is , then what we believed before was false , no ?

    If you can get a J.W. to accept that fact you are doing quite well.

    Cognitive dissonance is not a concept Jehovah`s Witnesses seem to comprehend.


  • Diogenesister
    We won`t have children in this system of things because the end is so close ! .When was this first presented ?

    My best friend did not have children because of WT direction initially, the end was so close and there was much to do.

    Then, as she was trapped due to family (an extremely sick mother who couldn't cope with facing ttatt &loss of her last child )my dear,beloved, beautiful intelligent born -in friend did not have children because she could not bear to inflict being brought up a witness on her children. 😢

    Money, travel, career - all can be joys in life but nothing, absolutely nothing comes close to the joy of a child. Ray Franze was not a bitter man or one to dwell on regrets - but even he grieved at the thought he had deprived his wife of the joy of having children.

    Of course he had done no such thing, the WTBTS had.😡

    "Get out of her my people...her sins have piled up to heaven"

  • konceptual99

    As a younger man I never really was worried about having children. My wife and I never really expressed even a future desire to raise a family.

    Our first child was not planned but I am eternally grateful to drunken passion that we did start down the road of raising a family.

    Now, with a lovely family, I could not imagine facing the latter half of my life without the joy of having children. The thought of simply having memories to look back in my old age, rather than being able to consider the hopes, aspirations and future achievements of my kids and, hopefully, their kids seems a less positive way of approaching those final years.

    Of course, not everyone can have a family but to have made the choice simply because you thought the end of world was coming and you would do it in the paradise is a crying shame.

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