The appartments are for the workers and have been lately renovated. There was an expansion.
Its called Watchtower Farms, they have been expanded some years ago.
Wallkill welcomes each year appro. 70.000 visitors! You have a greenhouse, cattles, cowboys ......
The WATCHTOWER FARMS google this name ... is the biggest complex of JW worldwide.
900 Red Mills Rd.
Wallkill NY 12589
JW.ORGThe "Watchtower Farms Wallkill, N.Y." are part of the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses (Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society).
Printing & ShippingAt the Watchtower Farms Wallkill Jehovah's Witnesses print over 25 million pieces of Bible literature (Bibles, Watchtower & Awake! magazines etc.) annually. They ship literature in more than 360 languages to branches worldwide as well as to more than 15,000 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean.
Farm DepartmentFarming operations provide produce and beef for the United States Bethel family. In addition, this department cares for the landscaping that enhances the appearance of the facilities.
Food DistributionThis department cares for the processing and storing of food for the Bethel families in Brooklyn, Wallkill, and Patterson. This arrangement simplifies the task of providing quality meals.
Nearby cities: Middlefield, Le Ray, Antwerp
Coordinates: 41°38'15"N 74°15'43"W
Wallkill - Touring Watchtower Farms in the Ulster County hamlet of Wallkill is an
eye-opening experience.
Worker safety, cultural awareness and cleanliness are clearly high priorities to the
Jehovah’s Witnesses. The grounds are immaculate, the people friendly and the facility
is state-of-the-art.
Watchtower purchased the farm from the Goebel family in 1963, started expanding it
in the 1970s when they maxed-out the Brooklyn printery’s footprint, and officially
relocated it there in 2004.
The original farmhouse, which dates back to 1690, has been fully restored and serves
as housing for the campus workers. Because the Wallkill Bethel is a large facility in a
rural area, it even has its own small fire brigade.
Wallkill Bethel is part of a regionalized printing network and serves North America,
including 12,000 congregations in the United States. In 2008 the printery produced
more than three million Bibles, 18 million magazines, 27 million books, and 236
million tracts, all of which are distributed free of charge.
The printery also produces magazines and bibles in Braille and offers American Sign
Language videos.
Since it was first published in 1879, Watchtower Magazine has never missed an issue
- not even during the paper shortages of the Second World War.
Quality control
The health and safety of workers is built into the design of the printery. Pipes rather
than people transport ink and every major department graphics, pressroom, bindery
and shipping has its own safety coordinator.
Each station has quality control and
checks are done every 30 seconds. The bindery has 70 machines and approximately
1,150 workers.
To minimize waste when shipping, barcode readers pick the right box, print labels and
direct the box around the floor using a system of lights that lets pickers know what to
pack. Inventory is automatically replenished. As of last year, all congregations order
materials online. Most materials are shipped by rail.
Environmentally friendly
For all this paper one might expect to see trimmings on the floor or dust in the air. Yet
Wallkill Bethel is an environmentally friendly printery complete with pollution
control units on the roof and a water treatment plant. Quiet automated cleaning
machines sweep the floors and thousands of feet of overhead pipes suck trim waste
into a central paper recycling area, which Watchtower spokesmen say saves $500,000
each year on recycling paper
In the 1970s, Watchtower officials constructed the first residential building on the
campus consisting of studios and one-bedroom units. The residents have onsite optical
and chiropractic services as well as a repair shop that services official vehicles and
which residents may use to work on their personal vehicles. Laundry services are
provided and to conserve water, the rinse water becoming the wash water for the next
Beyond the printery and residences along Red Mills Road are fields where the
Witnesses grow sweet corn, blueberries, grapes for juicing and apples.
cowboys are responsible for more than 400 heads of grass-fed Black Angus cattle that
are never sent to feedlots.
In the world
The efficiency with which the Jehovah’s Witnesses operate was also evident in the
aftermath of the earthquake that struck Haiti in January. The Watchtower’s branch
office building in Haiti, which survived the quake, served as a relief center and triage
unit as did its three Kingdom Halls in neighboring Dominican Republic. More than
100 Witness missionaries were killed in the earthquake. But within one day after the
natural disaster, Witnesses in Haiti distributed prepackaged three-day food supplies to
4,700 people; Watchtower officials said.
Take the tour
Visitors are welcome to tour Wallkill Bethel.
More than 70,000 people tour
Watchtower Farms each year. Guided tours are available Monday through Friday
from 8 until 11 a.m. or 1 until 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 until 11 a.m. Call 845-
744-6000 for a tour.
Watchtower in Warwick
The Watchtower property in Warwick is the 253-acre site of the former Research and
Development facility of the International Nickel Company that closed in 1983.
Watchtower purchased the property from Touro College. Watchtower is widely
respected among real estate dealers for its business acumen and the excellent
condition in which it keeps its properties.
The Warwick property has always been targeted as a “high value Highlands property
for maintaining continuity of protected land and habitat,” said Edward Goodell, the
executive director of the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference.
Although “it’s been for sale several times,” Goodell said, “the conservation
community hasn’t managed to buy it.”
If the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society proposal goes through, it will have a
minimal carbon footprint and “use all kinds of recycled materials with a vast amount
of open space to remain,” said Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton.
He also said members visiting the campus will stay in bed and breakfasts and hotels,
eat in restaurants and shop, bringing tourism dollars with them.
Take the tour
Visitors are welcome to tour Wallkill Bethel. More than 70,000 people tour
Watchtower Farms each year. Guided tours are available Monday through Friday
from 8 until 11 a.m. or 1 until 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 until 11 a.m. Call 845-
744-6000 for a tour

Its indeed a farm that feeds millions
Today, Wallkill’s printery is a highly automated, state-of-the-art facility staffed by some 280 willing men and women. Last year over 17 million books and Bibles were produced there. In addition to the Wallkill, Canada, and Mexico printeries in North America, Jehovah’s Witnesses have 12 other printeries—located in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and South America—that help to satisfy the spiritual needs of millions.
Some time ago there were rumor and specualtion about shortviewed pollution of nature that happened by the printery, there was chemical waste there.
Other rumours said that this is a money grabbing farm.
Some guys are making video while driving around in Wallkill Watchtower farms and post it on youtube and call it cult compound.