Sekulow has a very agenda based law practice. Until now, I thought he was rooted in an idealism and devotion to promote good values, which I now recognize to be a naive idea on my part. I haven't followed his work in years but even when I did, I thought he was operating from sincerity even if he was grssping constitutionally about various issues(even some I supported at the time). Then, as now, I recognize that my ideals and preferences might not be fitting in with the laws of land and/or constitutional principles, but I wonder if Sekulow cares about principles at all. He didn't seem very passionate about his new mission which I cannot blame him for however I no longer believe that he works for what he believes in because though DJT may be spouting some conservative platitudes he is clearly not a conservative figure to stand up for. He is not a principled political or business person. I believed that Sekulow was at least working on principle before. This affiliation with Trump is troubling to me. My conservative foundation is rocked a bit more for this.