G'day all,
Well, how's the weekend going? Grey skies and strong bitterly cold winds over the highlands of New South Wales have made for a gloomy old day here. Still the warm thoughts of friends and lovely phone calls certainly brighten our day.
What are we going to reminisce about this weekend? We were talking with friends Bliss and Prisca about the number of friends who've seen the truth about "the Troof" and we thought we should take the opportunity of sharing. So that's the simple poll question for this weekend:
How many of your friends have left the Borg?
a) None
b) 1 to 5
c) 6 to 10
d) 11 to 20
e) 21 to 30
f) 31 to 40
g) 41 to 50
h) 51 to 100
i) more than 100 (WOW!!!)
Enjoy the reminiscing. We do. In case you're wondering, Mrs Ozzie and I got to nearly 100 of our former dub friends who've left! And that's just in New South Wales. Woohoo!!
We're looking forward to your replies. It should make for interesting reading. No doubt it will show that the "revolving door" is operating very much in the Borg. Just as new ones come in the front door, an equal number are leaving by the back door.
Cheers, Ozzie