elder D came to our house with a publisher who's 80 years old. my dad was talking to them in the livivng room as i came down for my lunch. i sat down at the table and the elder D said "hi ya, all right?" and put his thumb up to me. i said "hi, i'm all right thanks" and started to eat my lunch. remember this is the guy who had seen me at the pub, where i was 'sinning', and had starred at me without acknowleding me.
he carried on talking to my dad, and he said that he'd seen my sister about town a few times. i interrupted his conv by telling him that i saw him out a few weeks ago. he asked where. i said in W..... E.... at the B..... H..... pub. i asked him whether he saw me or not, he said that he didn't. fantastic i thought. he was either lying or is very short sighted.
i went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea, and he came in and started talking to me about sports cars, and that he's looking for one to buy for the weekends, and was asking me what i would recomend. right! like he's being genuine. then he starts asking me about the "truth" saying that i hadnt been to meetings for a while, and that he had heard that i'd had some problems. i said that i'd had problems and told certain elders about them and made a statement to an elder that i wouldnt be attending meetings. he said that was fine, and then went on about world conditions and terrorism , and showed me a scripture about jesus talking about a great tribulation etc and how a few rement of annointed would still be on the earth when it comes. he asked if i agreed with that scripture and i said yes. he then went on to ask me if i still believed in 'it', to which i replied "yes" because i do believe in 'truth', my truth.
he goes on to say that i'm still in 'the truth' by what i had just said, and that i was inactive, to which i replied that i still talk to people about it (yer but in what way! lol). he said that i should think about what he was saying as he "didn't want me to miss the boat", to which i tried not to smile. he said it was good to see me and that if i had any problems to go and see him anytime. he then said farewells and was on his way.
and that was the end of that. hopefully it'll be a while before they come around again.