Hello to all,
An informant in Spanish forum, active elder in a congregation in Madrid (Spain) has posted new info regarding Elders School 2017. Important changes are to be done for "child" or sexual abuses. https://abusostj.vbulletin.net/forum/main-forum/audiencias-judiciales/5506-escuela-de-ancianos-2017
Doing a summary:
- New changes are being check by the lawyers at this moment.- Changes are held in order to fulfill European laws.- Once exposed to a sexual abuse, when the judicial committee starts, the ones present must listened and read a statement stating that applying the state law of the country the victims can report to the authorities.- The victim might be asked to sign a statement according he/she is aware of the possibility to report to the authorities.- The signed statement or the info that the victim can report to the authorities will be held inside the "Do not destroy" envelope.
Many thanks to sp74bb.
Will these directions be given at all Elder schools in 2017?
If you know of anyone who is attending this school, or you will be yourself, please can you post on this thread?
Just to say that you know someone who is going to the school, and in what country.
We would all really appreciate it if you could report back with any details.
I am wondering if this will be a worldwide action.
(Please bump this to the top occasionally).