so a report came out and made jws look bad
by lettersfromthevoid 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
so what happens now? What is the commission and the governments going to do? Will they be slapped with a fine? Will they be forced to do this or that lest they lose non profit status? -
me hopes! -
I hope what comes out this commission in Australia is that they institute a law that enforces all religions to
make notice to public authorities that there is a situation of possible pedophilia within their organization.
Once that is done hopefully it would spread around the world to all other countries.
Religions like the JWS and Catholics in the past have instituted their own laws of use in spite of there being criminal secular laws in place to where these occurrences happened and was done so intentionally to protect the image of those churches.
What report are you talking about? -
Listener, the investigative government commission into WTS. hiding situations of child sexual abuse by the JW in Australia. 1000 cases of child abuse were not reported to the local police authorities.
The set about commission has finished its investigation and is now under review of what it has learned.
Okay but the report is not out yet.
I expect the RC is giving org's such as the WTBTS time to allow them the opportunity to come up with their own reform and advise the RC of their changes. If they don't reform or their reforms are inadequate then the Commission will address this in a report, it will be damning for the wtbts.
One thing that could happen now is that since this RC, if someone were to file a law suit against the WTS in Australia for its involvement of covering up a situation of pedophilia and not disclosing it to a congregation, this newly revealing information could be used against the WTS. ...... ie. Candace Conti case