I've seen some depressing color schemes at the Kingdom and Assembly Halls in my lifetime, but this one could be the worst.
A family member just sent me an email to tell me she had nice day at the assembly. She attached a picture of the stage to show me a friend of hers who had a part. Other than the platform itself which had cream carpeting it was nothing but various shades of black! I have no idea how to post it, but I would feel uncomfortable for some unexplainable reason anyway. I'll just describe instead.
There was a skinny row of green plants still in the black plastic containers they originally come in at the back of the stage directly in front of a black wrought iron railing. Behind that were the black draperies. How sad for those forced to be there, lest Jehovah smite them. They looked as if someone had stapled huge black sheets from the ceiling. Yikes!
The brother "privileged" to give the talk was wearing a black suit, as was the brother next to him. The third one brightened it up a bit with dark grey. 😕
The poor sister who also had the "privilege" of speaking to an audience of at least a thousand people did at least get to wear a blue and white outfit. Plenty of more black flimsy fabric from the platform to the floor. Who comes up with this stuff anyway?
That's a very well off circuit, I wonder what they were thinking, hopefully about all the money they will sink into it after the expense report. Maybe wonder where it's going???
I don't know what the theme was, perhaps how they are living in a spiritual paradise, but surely there wasn't any "new light" getting in today. 😄
I could make a few more jokes about it, but it just isn't right. It seems to me that only a cult could get people to sit there all day looking at that and then describe it as a "nice day." I feel bad that millions of people are wasting their lives devoted to the WTS.
Can you imagine actually putting your hard earned money into a contribution box for that? 😥