C T Russell and His Numerology.

by Lost in the fog 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lost in the fog
    Lost in the fog

    I came across this older WT which I assume C T Russell wrote the article. Unlike modern practitioners of numerology who calculate a value for each letter of the alphabet, Russell simply adds up the number of letters in each word to arrive at [horror of horrors] 666.

    And he lists there on the page each one of the organisations that must accordingly be part of the Great Harlot with 18 letters [in English] in their titles, because 18 is clearly 6+6+6 or 666!

    Strangely he hasn't stopped to think about another possibility for an 18 letter title. It is "Charles Taze Russell" adding up to 18 letters or 666.

    It'd make you laugh, except for the fact that people took everything Russell said as if it was coming from the mouth of Jehovah. A flawed way of thinking that permeates right down to this day.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I've read similar things in other literature of the 1800's, so he probably was not the origin.

  • Rocketman123

    C T Russel was a delusional nutter who thought he must be right in his investigations and acquired theology involving bible interpretations because he self identified and labeled himself as god's given messenger to the people.

    We now know his special ordained message was wrought with ignorance and twisted delusions.

    When he died he left a richly backed publishing house ($$$) called the Watchtower Corporation and a new religion the Jehovah's Witnesses was spawned by an aggressive unscrupulous businessman/lawyer J Rutherford.

    8 million people today still think this corrupt publishing organization is directed and solemnly chosen by god Jehovah as his earthly organization and are subjectively loyal to it.

  • minimus

    Russell makes sense to me.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Despite clearly saying the number is a mans number- or the number of a man, the preceding verse also mentions that you need the mark of the beast to buy or sell. A lot of people seem to think it is referring to Caesar Nero and it certainly makes sense ( to me anyway) if the mark of the beast is simply Nero's image stamped on coins.

    As a jw, I was taught that the number is 6, written 3 times for emphasis. This is blatant misinterpretation, as the number is translated as six hundred and sixty six. For whatever reason, jw's even feel the need to twist a basic bible verse like this one. They literally ignore what the verse says and make up their own interpretation.

  • TD

    It'd make you laugh...


    A 21st century observer laughing at the ignorance and naivete of a 19th century writer doesn't mean a whole lot though.

    It's like us laughing at H.G. Wells notions of how a technically advanced alien race would fight a war

    Russell's writings are wacky by today's standards, but it is one pebble in a riverbed of wackiness

  • BluesBrother

    So, the image was made in 1846? I wonder what that was?

    Jesus knew in advance that English would be the prevailing language of our times and provided a numerical code that rested on English, and modern spelling? Neat.

  • EverApostate

    Todays serious interpretations of the WT, would be laughable likewise, in another 25 years.

  • Rocketman123

    Russell was indeed a speculative theorist who grabbed mostly other people's ideologies and concepts, Pyramidology being one.

    Christ's return was seen by himself and others at the time something to preach and sell through literature publishing.

    I still find it surprising that those men actually thought the great pyramid of Giza was the stated monument god left for mankind, in light of the real ancient Egyptian religious use and practice ?

    Nevertheless selling Jesus's return and the great day of Armageddon was sold and preached all throughout the 20th century by the WTS and it still does by the WTS/JWS organization to this day.

    The truth to this date setting by the WTS (1874, 1914, 1975 etc.) was that it was an act of unscriptural apostasy against Jesus's own instructions for preaching his new Kingdom order.

  • Rocketman123

    Its an interesting phenomenon when you reflect just how much number counting has existed in the WTS/JWS religion from Pyramidology to all the specific and numerous countings going on at Congregations such as hours in service, literature placements, attendance at meetings and Assemblies, those who get baptized, partakers and attendance at the Memorials. etc.

    This one religious publishing organization sure does a lot of counting of numbers.

    The WTS heads and down have many times used these number sums as assumed guilt and pressing obligation toward how well people are participating in service, which relates to an individuals faithful and righteous devotion to Jehovah.

    There is an active numerology constantly being applied within the JWS religion.

    At the end of this activity the GB heads can take measure of how well their own perceived power, control and money are being developed and hopefully sustained.

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