Praying for the Government.

by Lost in the fog 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lost in the fog
    Lost in the fog

    I was thinking about the fact that this year marks Queen Elizabeth II having given 70 years of service to the British people.

    "I therefore exhort, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, offerings of thanks, be made concerning all sorts of men, concerning KINGS and all those who are in HIGH STATION; in order that we may go on leading a calm and quiet life with full godly devotion and seriousness.”—1 Timothy 2:1, 2.

    Can I ask, in all the years that you were attending JW meetings did you even once hear a prayer of any sort be made from the platform relating to the higher government authorities, especially the offering of thanks for them not clamping down on the organisation like other dictatorial countries?

    In all my years I don't know of one occasion where I heard a prayer in honour of the King (2 Peter 2:17) or her Majesty the Queen.

    Another example of straying from what the Bible actually said that Christians should be doing.

  • smiddy3

    That`s a good question Litf , couple 1Tim.2:1,2 with Rom.13:1-3..." where the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God....he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God.."..

    And they will receive judgement from God.

    In my 32 years as a JW in 6-7 different congregations in 2 States ,I`m sure if anyone had ever done that they would be hauled into the back room and counselled by the Elders because JW`s teach that " the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" 1John 5:19

    Does that have to mean the Governments are controlled by Satan ? Not according to the previous scriptures mentioned .

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