When they come to your door knocking... the best way to preach back is.... handing them a comic book when they hand you a watchtower magazine.
Best way to preach to a JW
by Youngaposthate 9 Replies latest social humour
Best way to advocate and awaken em in a respectful/comedic matter
Mandrake the magician could be an appropriate one.
How about "The Invisible Man" he could get away with doing whatever he wanted to ,much like God.
If your question is serious -- the only thing you can do is "plant a seed" of doubt. Some thought that they might Google when they are alone or something that will nag them every time the matter comes to mind in the future.
What is that "one" thought or issue? There isn't "one" answer for that.
A person with whom I "studied" is who planted some of my doubts that contributed to my awakening to TTATT.
stan livedeath
you could ask them pretty well anything about their beliefs--chances are they wont know the answer and give you a leaflet directing you jay-w organs
The OP has a good point for the following line of reason -
Yes! I would love to accept your magazine and, in exchange, I would like to give you this...
(Hand the JW a copy of a Spider-Man comic book)
Spider-Man is real! The proof of Spider-Man's existence is in the comic book. See here on page 12 - That's Spider-Man swinging from the rooftops of downtown New York.
What do you mean Spider-Man isn't real? You say the Bible is true based on the what is inside the Bible. Based on your line of reasoning Spider-Man must also be real.
Answer = quote Jesus from the bible and tell them "The Truth" that they are preaching a tainted commercialized version of Jesus's gospel new order (sinning apostasy) by supporting the men who run and operate the Watchtower Corporation/JWorg.
This has been a lying and corrupt religoius publishing house and it still is pretty much to this day.
Another one is handing out a Game Informer magazine once they hand you the watchtower propaganda
I'd first let them talk, show some interest and let them speak for a good 10 minutes. Once they are invested in me, I'd ask how joining their religion would make my life better. Why do they want to change my life, what do they know about me that makes them feel the need to change my life. What am I doing wrong? It is likely that they spent the last 10 minutes talking about their beliefs and very little questions for me.