I was 11 years old and I was sitting at my desk in homeroom class when the student on my left, Gregory, tapped me on my shoulder.
He held a folded note in his hand and was gesturing for me to take it. He leaned toward my desk and whispered barely loud enough for me to hear,
“Pass this note to Robbie.” Robbie was the girl sitting on my right.
I took the note, unfolded it and read it just as Gregory punched my arm. A shout-whisper came along with the fist,
“Don’t read it, you moron!”
I picked up my pencil and scribbled one word of my own and passed the note to Robbie.
I had a crush on Robbie and so did Gregory Bunn. His note had read,
“I really like you.” He signed it, “Greg”.
I had added the word “don’t” making it read,
“I really don’t like you.”
I was, you see, acting in my own best interests. Gregory Bunn had sought to use me as his agent acting on his behalf as a go-between. Obviously, I had my own agenda.
His 4-word message was 'technically' still there in the note:
“I. . . really . . .like . . .you.”
It was 100% transmitted!
The problem (for Gregory) was the additional word,
“don’t” had rendered his message 100% opposite of his intended communication!
Imagine the conversation which followed.
“Did you give her the note?”
“Were all my words still there?”
“Okay, thanks.”
“You’re welcome!”
Acting as an agent is tricky business if the agent corrupts the message--or worse--reverses the intended meaning!
Is there a lesson in this? Hmmmm?
The so-called Faithful and Discreet Slave has claimed to be Jehovah’s agent (mouthpiece, channel) since the time of Pastor Russell.
According to the Watchtower's self-myth, Jehovah passes THEM and them alone a note intended for the anointed all over the earth. We only see the note after their EXTRA nonsense has changed it.
“Did you deliver my message?” Jehovah might well ask.
“Yep, you bet--sure did!”
“Did you deliver it intact?”
“Every word was there!”
Obviously, if Jehovah were truly using Jehovah’s Witness leaders as a go-between, agent, or mediator and His divine communication was delivered dead wrong, the agent would be to blame, right?
Not so fast!
The problem is more complicated than that.
An agent acting on behalf of his employer can create liability ruining the reputation and good standing of that employer.
If a fast food franchise poisons customers, the corporation is sued for millions and the newspaper assigns blame to the Company NAME rather than the individual employees who may have violated health policies.
Whose name is on the religion called JEHOVAH's Witnesses?
Question: Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses excuse the FDS for poisoning millions of people around the world who eat the “Food at the proper time?”
Think about it--they have NEVER taken the blame!
Those of us who believed every word printed in the Watchtower publications have been fooled time and again can never lay the blame on the FDS because they point the finger of blame right back.
The FDS seems to want us to pick and choose what to believe while threatening to DF anybody who actually exercises that choice.
In effect, they tell us, "You shouldn't believe the stupid or wrong stuff we print--we're only human!"
Jehovah's Witness members aren't really free agents. They are caught in a terrible bind. The MUST believe and act on what they print because THEY say it is a note being passed by Jehovah.
When they have scribbled in their own corrupt changes--Jehovah is misrepresented--but there is nothing any member can do about it until they leave and don't come back.
Pretty interesting Con-Game if you ask me.
Notice a similar situation in the Catholic Church. It is not called Faithful and Discreet Slave channeling Jehovah's Truth. It is called Magisterium.
"Christ has instituted the Magisterium to communicate His saving truth, the faithful should respond in docility and joy to the Church’s teaching out of love for Christ.
Infallibility is a charism whereby the Holy Spirit protects the Magisterium from teaching error on matters of faith and morals. The Church exercises this charism when she teaches definitively, whether in a solemn manner (i.e., through the extraordinary Magisterium) or through the ordinary and universal Magisterium."