Eight million Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe they are saved, so how can they in short order tell you how to get saved on your deathbed?
Instead, they might tell you, “Look you are about to die and the great tribulation has not started yet, so you don't need to repent and believe anything really. Just die and your death will pay for your sins and unless you have sinned against the Holy Spirit, you will be raised along with most everybody else and learn from others such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, how to live for the kingdom during the 1000 year reign of Christ. If you pass a final test at the close of the 1000 years you will have attained your own righteousness and will live forever on the earth. So again, you don't have to believe anything or repent.”
What Witnesses will fail to tell you is “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved!”. They will not reiterate Jesus’ words, “Repent and believe the gospel!” Nor will they remind you of Jesus’ warning, “ If you believe not on me, you will die in your sins!” Sadly, JWs would rather you trust the words of men instead of the words of Jesus Christ.