Hi gang, I know many of you haven't read my autobiography, but I received this from a female reviewer in the US today...I'm a tough cookie, so don't worry, my feelings were not hurt in the slightest...I just don't get it...I could understand better if she said, "your book isn't well written," or some other critique of the writing, but why would she say of a true story memoir, "doesn't fit up to my standards of good fiction."
I was just saying to a good friend yesterday, there are benefits to having to survive "something"...survivors have been through the mill already. There comes a point where what someone else thinks is not MORE important than what I think myself.
I wrote this reviewer back a short note: Dear ___________ Thank you for email and comments. I appreciate your honesty. Thanks also for sending my autobiography to ___________. Sincerely, Donald D'Haene
Dear Donald:
Father's Touch has finally reached the top of my to-be-reviewed pile. During the first 100 pages, I thought that this was one of the best written, self-publish books that had landed on my desk in a number of years. However, after reaching page 200, I just could not bring myself to read anymore. See below for more information.
I find that I cannot give your book a favorable review. I don't write/publish bad reviews because all critics do not think alike and there may be others out there who would enjoy your book. While I do feel it is my obligation to warn readers before they invest their hard-earned dollars, at the same time, it is more prudent of me to limit my bad reviews (especially the companies who are making lots of dollars on a poorly written book and a best-selling name).
The book isn't bad; it just doesn't fit up to my standards of good fiction. I am declining to review your book based on the following reason:
*While I could empathize with you, I did not feel any sympathy toward your plight.
*I didn't feel that the book had a plot other than the abuse and it's affects.
* I didn't understand where the other passages (i.e. where those by Daniel D'Haene were derived).
*Maybe it's just me, but I couldn't get into vignette after vignette of the abuse.
I'm sorry the results weren't more favorable. Father's Touch has been donated .........
_________send their regards and thanks for the book.