Recent broadcast have Gerrit Losch talking about not holding a grudge and in Septembers broadcast David Splain talking about not demanding an apology after being wronged.
The subject of forgiveness and revenge is one of many examples of moral contradictions in the bible. The book 1984 mentioned the terms double think and double speak. That is to believe and verbally advocate two opposing views at the same time and resorting to them when convenient.
The Watchtower resorts to telling it's members to be humble, forgiving, not standing up for your rights, suck it up when you are a victim and of course to leave it in Jehovah's hands. They do this to keep the rank & file submissive and quiet when elders and others in the Congregation and even the own Governing Body commit injustices and they don't want bad publicity or their authority undermined and challenged. Justice and truth are NOT important in JW world unless the Authority and image of the Governing Body is undermined.
However, when anyone starts a website and starts exposing the Governing Bodies hypocrisy and uses their own quotes and videos to show the world that they are brainwashed, power hungry cult members & inhumane does the Watchtower Society remain quiet, humble and just leave it in Jehovah's hands and forgiving?? HELL NO!!!! They get their legal team to go after you. They will even sue you to remove the videos and quotes. If you're a baptized member, they will disfellowship you and disgrace your name, calling you evil, apostate, demonized, mentally diseased and demand that every other JW on planet earth shun you and treat you as a dead non-existant scumbag. If an "apostate" changes his mind and returns, it will be MANY years if ever, before he can have a "privilege" again. So these people do hold grudges and have their revenge against anyone that dares to undermine them. They even save your judicial comittee file indefinitely. Yet they shamelessly speak publicly about being forgiving and not holding any grudges or take any action against those that have wronged us.
The truth is that the Bible can be used to teach and justify whatever in hell you feel like justifying.
You want others to be forgiving towards you?
Just quote the words of Jesus about forgiveness.
You want to justify holding a grudge and revenge?
Just quote from the Old Testament especially the accounts of King David killing thousands including his last words to his son Solomon where he tells him not to forget what a neighboring nation did to them and to kill them. How about David killing Goliat? Was david forgiving. humble and just left it in Jehovah's hands like the WT likes to tell it's members? How about Joseph? His brothers really screwed him over. Yet he DID NOT forgive them automatically. Only after they had apologized and truly changed did Joseph forgive them. If Joseph's brothers would not have repented and not apologized it is a fact that Joseph would have killed them all and justifiably so. Otherwise why did he test them? How about Samuel killing the King of Amalek
with his own hands? Were these actions demonstrating love, humility, peaceableness and meekness qualities that the New Testament speaks so much about for gods people?
So the Old Testament is full of examples of gods chosen spiritual men holding grudges, having hatred towards their neighbors and executing revenge. Not to mention having concubines (today we call them mistresses) and slaves (today we call that barbaric and violation of civil rights). In the Old Testament pre-marital sex WAS NOT CONDEMNED BY GOD! A single man can rape and kidnap any women he likes
and his only punishment was to pay a bride price and not allowed to divorce her!
You also have the New Testament advocating forgiveness, leaving vengeance in god's hands, loving your neighbor, meekeness, and being humble.
So which is it? Whatever you find convenient for your situation.
One of the main reasons why I am agnostic (leaning towards atheist) is the blatant, morally contradicting lessons found in the Old Testament against the New Testament. The Bible cannot be taken literally, nor as a moral guide. You need a lot of double think, self deceit and doublespeak to believe in the Bible.