Birthday Party

by OnTheWayOut 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have posted less and less personal threads because less and less JW-related activity has happened in my life. But every now and then, something does happen.

    So my sister on my dad's side scheduled a birthday party for her 1 year old this past Saturday. ( Nobody on that side is a JW.)

    My JW mother called me on Friday and asked me if I could do something on Saturday. I mentioned the birthday party for my 1 year old niece and said I wasn't free. My mother's first response was " Your wife is going to a birthday party!?" I told her no, that just I was going but went further to say " If my wife went, it would be to see family. What would be wrong with that?" She didn't answer.

    At the birthday party, I was asked about my wife. I said how her religion doesn't allow her to attend birthday parties. I was sure my wife would ask me if anyone asked about her, and what I said. It's just something she would always do. I was going to tell her the truth and mention what I said. Maybe her JW senses kicked in, because she never asked- very much atypical for her.

    So no discussion of the party was had. By the way, no one was beheaded at the party.

  • fastJehu
    By the way, no one was beheaded at the party.

  • sparky1

    "By the way, no one was beheaded at the party." - OnTheWayOut

    YES.........but were there any dancing girls?!

  • longgone

    A sad incident here. I remember some years ago a family with two little boys had a small party for all the little kids in the congregation. It was very sweet and the family gave gifts to all the children.

    At the next meeting a sister carrying her little boy maybe only three years old, chuckled and told me that afterward he had said to her, " Nobody even got their head chopped off!"

    It's a really sick religion that has preschoolers thinking things like that. Where would he get such a distorted idea? Hmm, that would be while sitting on his mother's lap, reading My Book of Bible Stories! Full color illustrations no less.

    Very sad. This is why we throw out most of that crazy cult literature when we see it for what it is. 😔

  • LV101

    Ah, yes -- it's so wonderful when JWism is minimal in one's life but then wham it rears it's horrifying head out of the blue, clear, sky.

    No where to run and no where to hide so we just endure -- and hope.

  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    Nice experience OnTheWayOut.

    I never got a satisfying answer as to why birthdays were bad and anniversaries were not.

  • tepidpoultry

    Re: My Name is of No Consequence



  • EverApostate


    Seems we have a similar situation. I have a JW wife and mother and had similar events like this. I was a JW for 11 years and finally disassociated. I never miss your comments or posts, as they are very sensible. Appreciate your humor on the beheading in birthday parties. Cant believe that I once believed this "Birthday is evil" nonsense, while in the cult

  • OnTheWayOut

    fastJehu, thanks for the thumbs up.

    sparky1, no dancing girls. That's probably why no beheadings.

    longgone, good story to add, thanks.

    LV101, at least my mother didn't want to shun me for going. It's not all that bad.

    My Name is of No Consequence, the real reason they cannot say is that not celebrating birthdays makes a Witness avoid non-JW family gatherings and makes the children have to avoid "worldly" children from school when they have parties. Anniversaries are ideally to be between two JW's, and maybe Governing Body members' wives said "You AIN'T taking away anniversaries just to get out of buying me a present." Or......

    tepidpoultry, .....Or...... it's like tepidpoultry said. LOL!

    EverApostate, wow. Thanks for the compliment. I find it hard to accept what I once believed also.

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