What is a fallacy? http://gncurtis.home.texas.net/introtof.html
Example of a fallacy: " The purpose of being registered at named corporation with the ‘Department of Public Information’as a ‘non governmental organization’in 1991 was to have access to available research-material about health, ecology, and social problems at the library-facilities of the United Nations".
So what? There's nothing wrong with that! This has nothing to do with the issue at hand! The issue is not whether it is wrong or right to get info at the UN library!
The issue is the hypocrisy involved with the publications of books depicting the UN as a Scarlet Colored Wild Beast whom shall be destructed by Jehovah Himself, at the same time instructing the flock to have nothing whatever to do with this Organization; while on the other hand they do the exact opposite. That's the issue.
They slept with the "Beast". They don't deny it either. What they did is: They took the attention of the flock away from the issue!
Smart! Very smart. And very devious.
I just started learning about fallacies. Some are easy to spot. Some are very hard to spot and some are very, very devious. I bet some of you out there are experts on fallacies.
It would be nice if you offered your expertise. Let's find some really good WT fallacies. Any rational JW still within the WT walls whom is shown such fallacy and spots it, must act upon it. I was just thinking that this could be another tool to expose the WT about the way they control the flock.