Jehovah's Witnesses and logical fallacies

by Vanderhoven7 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vanderhoven7

    Giles Gray writes

    Here is a brief list of the most common arguments (or statements used in the construction of their arguments) Jehovah’s Witnesses make that are fallacious in nature:-

    --We are the true religion because we only teach what is written in the bible

    This proposition commits the ‘argument from authority’, otherwise known as the ‘argument from false authority’ fallacy. The bible is the claim… not the evidence.

    --If Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t have the truth, who does

    This argument commits the ‘argument from ignorance’, or ‘the argument from personal incredulity’ fallacy. Jehovah’s Witnesses erroneously conclude that because no other religion has the truth, it has to be their religion that is true (or the closest to the truth).

    --There can only be one true religion

    This argument fails to consider all possibilities. It could be that ALL religions are untrue, therefore the argument is logically flawed.

    -- Jehovah reveals His truth in a ‘progressive’ manner

    This argument is a variation of the ‘moving the goalposts’ fallacy. Any teachings that are demonstrated to be false can be instantly replaced, leaving it impossible to falsify their theology. This argument puts a question mark over the Watchtower’s entire teachings. There isn’t a single teaching that could not be subject to change or alteration because of ‘progressive light’. What they believe now can neither be verified nor falsified.

    --The mistakes made by the Governing Body are as a result of human imperfection

    Similar in nature to the example above…the flaw in this argument is that it can equally be used to excuse the mistaken teachings of every denomination outside of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a result, there is no way to distinguish a true religion from a false one, which means every religion is unfalsifiable. There is also no means of falsifying the teachings of the Governing Body. An unfalsifiable position is by its very definition, fallacious.

    --We do not listen to the arguments and opinions of apostates and opposers

    This argument commits the ad hominem fallacy. The arguments of the Watchtower’s critics are rejected because those individuals are automatically assumed to be wicked and liars, regardless of whether they have valid and sound arguments. Rather than falsify the arguments of their critics, Jehovah’s Witnesses will invalidate their opponents’ position by attacking the person, and not their argument.

    --We do not teach the false doctrines of Christendom and false religion

    This is a variation of a strawman fallacy. By exposing the ‘false’ teachings of other religions, Jehovah’s Witnesses erroneously conclude that their religion must be true by default. The same mistake is made when they ‘refute’ the Theory of Evolution. Even if it could be demonstrated that the Theory of Evolution was incorrect, it would in no way mitigate the necessity for Jehovah’s Witnesses to meet their burden of proof.

    Before concerning themselves with the logical fallacies of others, Jehovah’s Witnesses really ought to recognise their own fallacious arguments. If they were to do so objectively, they would soon realise that they have no valid justification for their religious convictions.

    --You can’t disprove our religion / if Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t have the truth then show me who does

    Both of these popular JW arguments commit the ‘shifting of the burden of proof’ fallacy. They are commonly used when Jehovah’s Witnesses are pressed over the lack of evidence for their claim of being Divinely ‘appointed’.

    The burden of proof belongs exclusively to the person making the positive claim. In the case of Jehovah’s Witnesses, they make the positive declaration that theirs is the only true religion and the ‘truth’. Therefore, Jehovah’s Witnesses automatically adopt the burden of proof. Either their assertion is true, or it is not true. No one else is under obligation to prove that their beliefs are false. To use an adage:-

    What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

    As it stands, Jehovah’s Witnesses are yet to meet their burden of proof.

  • truth_b_known
    What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

    In addition, evidence is not argument. I have yet to see any apologetics that provide evidence. Apologetics tries to prove claims through logical argument.

  • smiddy3

    -We are the true religion because we only teach what is written in the bible

    Do they teach that the God of the Bible is a genocidal , homicidal ,maniac , guilty of crimes against humanity , sanctioning slavery ,women as spoils of war , that children women and old men are worthy of death and not to feel sorry for them ?

    That according to the Bible, God is responsible for millions if not billions of deaths over the duration of time that the Bible spans.

    Whereas I think the Bible only accounts Satan as being responsible for about only 10 people`s death.

    And Jesus Christ stands firmly behind and in support of God his father.

    Read the Bible without pre-conceived religious ideas and beliefs.


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