Article: 'I was dead to them': How Lara escaped the Jehovah's Witnesses 'cult'

by AndersonsInfo 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    'I was dead to them': How Lara escaped the Jehovah's Witnesses 'cult'

    Rachel Browne
    March 10, 2017

    Three decades ago Jodi*'s family were searching for a better life for themselves and their four children, well away from the gritty inner-city high rise apartment they called home.

    The family packed up their belongings and moved to rural Victoria where they planned to start anew.

    Then one morning a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on the door to spread the word of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. That was when Jodi's nightmare began.

    "These nice people were promising a community with no drugs, no alcohol and no crime - it sounded very appealing," said Jodi, who asked that her name be withheld.

    "They love bomb you. They sell you this vision of a perfect community. It is anything but. It's indoctrination. It's a cult, it really is. But they convince you it's a religion."


  • darkspilver

    thanks for a 'working' link

    As mentioned at the bottom of the above article, this article is the same as what was published in the Sydney Morning Herald that was posted here by jwleaks:

    But the link to the SMH in the above post is dead now

    I've been highlighting Ms Kaput's campaign - as mentioned in the article - in the thread below

  • OrphanCrow
    darkspliver: But the link to the SMH in the above post is dead now

    What are you going on about?

    Both links that Barbara posted work. Maybe try clicking directly on top of them. I know that tech is hard, but just hit the blue words. You will figure it out.

    Do you have a personal problem with Barbara's posts? You seem to whine about a lot of them

  • darkspilver

    Do you have a personal problem with Barbara's posts? You seem to whine about a lot of them


    Both links that Barbara posted work.

    YES, exactly! - I thanked her for posting the article and a working link - actually a big thank you for providing a WORKING link to the article.

    Although the article and link to the original article in the Sydney Morning Herald was provided a couple of days by jwleaks here:

    the page on SMH has now been DELETED and does NOT work! The SMH article has been MOVED to a new location on their website and therefore needs a NEW link - which I noted has handily been added to the bottom of the link that thankfully Barbara provided in her OP above.

    I understood that jwleaks was trying to do a "List all media reports here for future reference" - that's a problem when certain news organisations, such as the SMH, decide to DELETE online news articles after they have been published and MOVE them to NEW location on their website WITHOUT doing a 301 - but as you say: ' I know that tech is hard.'

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Thanks Barbara! I like that she took her energy and put it into a positive action for "change"(.org)

    Ms Kaput has launched a campaign on to have charity regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission, investigate the organisation.
    "This is not an organisation which should have charitable status," she said.
    Nor is it a safe organisation for children, the royal commission determined when it handed down its findings into the institution last year.
  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Don't worry DS, I understood what you meant.... It's all in the typing technicalities and communications, right?

  • steve2

    Thanks for the links!

    This will touch an uncomfortable nerve with many JWs who dare read it.

    Of all issues for a religious organization to be criticized over, this has to be perhaps one of the most shameful - and JW organization was given time to consider its response and make amendments to its child sexual abuse policies - and has done so very little.


    DS has a way of sounding douchey. Chalk it up to passive-agressive behavior, perhaps from social retardation?

    Placing the word "working" in italics is uber-smarmy.


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