With the AGM changes, and the changes over the recent few years, it struck me just how contradictory and hypocritical the society is.
We were always told that "wonderful expansion" and growth in halls was PROOF of God's blessing. Now it is the other way around, and building expansion is halted.
We were always told that door to door is the BEST way to take the "life saving" truth to people. Now it is the cart work...
We were always told that the ABUNDANCE of "spiritual food" in the form of publications was PROOF of Gods direction and teaching. Now it has been reduced dramatically yet that is supposed to be Gods will.
We were told that the new website was PROOF of Gods care for us and the community...now its content is being drastically reduced.
We were always told that "Jehovah's people are so well educated" with beautifully written and researched scholarly material in the form of publications that we couldn't keep up with. Now, the writing style is no more than that of a 12 year old's comprehension state.
We were told that unlike Christendom, our message was not just about "feel good" platitudes, but about the "deep things of God". Now the thrust of all material is "ear tickling" fluff.
Have I missed anything?