I should mention why I decided to give up anti-witnessing. I had ticked all the boxes to helping my friend see the light ( false prophecy, royal commission, proof that some of the elders in the congregation were complete and utter shits, only to receive the " I hope to make it through Armageddon reply". Let's cut the story short, the guy is once again back to being oblivious to reality, I was so close, yet unable to break his indoctrination.
I now believe he was paronoid, that he generally belived despite all I said,that I may someday return to the K.H. Then the paranoia set in, and he thinks our confidential discussions would be revealed to the elders. To complicate " anti witnessing" further I then realized his learning exsperience were complicated by his wife, kids, family, all being indoctrinated. I concluded my efforts were not needed.
This is why I have decided to stop anti-witnessing. I realize others who may want to leave may have too much to get slaughtered over. So if they have doubts they also need to work out a lot of personal shit also . The personal " shit" is the part of the journey you can't judge, and as for the other factual stuff, well they have to be blind not to spot it.
Yes life goes on, I occasionally see members of my former congregation in shopping centers, or they are putting the kids in to the back seat of a car, and inside I believe most of them have bottled it, they prefer the comfort to the truth. Who am I to expose the can of worms?
And SO but for " circumstances" could be me :-)
The Rebel.