I tried posting a link yesterday to this discussion on www.purelanguage.net.
Anyway, its under Study Hall and Titled "Why urgent to Preach the Warning News.." in case you want to read it.
A JW's bible study asked if everyones survival depended solely on whether or not Jehovahs Witnesses could preach to them in time. (before the big A) Some of the comments made me want to gag. Like this one:
"I still find that because in this case what is being described is a newly interested person it is best to keep the explanation simple rather than going into depth. After a person matures and has a better appreciation of the deeper things they are better able to look at matters from a spiritual standpoint and if necessary leave the loose ends in Jehovah's hands."
Typical... Suck them into the cult first, then they will find out what thier real beliefs are afterwards.
It is another way of saying, I wished I hadn't learn the good news and lived life as I wanted and then die before Armageddon and keep the prospect of living forever in Paradise.
Who will live in Paradise? Billions of people who had not heard the good news. The righteous and the unrighteous.
How about those living in the present? Jehovah in his mercy is sounding out a warning, and we have been doing it with urgency since 1914 with the established Kingdom. The end will come when all the inhabited earth had received the witness.
Why preach urgently?
1. It is a command by our enthroned King. (Matt 24:14)
2. It is a work not by man but by God, using his Son and his angelic forces to supervise it. (Rev. 14:6)
3. Anyone that God is pleased to draw to His Son He will wherever they are. (Jo 6:44)
We do our job as told and we leave it up to Jehovah to worry about the rest.
But there is a judgment that is imminent facing all mankind. When the King sits down on his throne and divides the nations into figurative goats and sheeps, those judged as goat-like will perish in Armageddon. When they die in Armageddon, they will have no resurrection.
That is one thing I never understood about the resurection doctrine. A truly evil person that has done horrible things will get a second chance if they die before armageddon, but a person who is loving, kind and never hurt a fly will be destroyed, have thier eyes pecked out by birds and have no second chance. When I was a JW I asked about this numorous times. The asnwer I received was exactly what was quoted above "We do our job as told, and let Jehovah worry about the rest".
How about this one:
Mind you a world with some of my relatives in it wouldn't be much of a paradise for anyone.........This is coming from a person who is supposed to be loving?? *gag*
<shudder !!!>