On board his trip home from Eire - the Pope gave a 45 min on board press conference (26 Aug 2018)....
"... The Pope also highlighted the need for parents of gay children to have a dialogue with their offspring and not condemn them.
'Your question is clear: what would I say to a father who sees that his son or daughter has that tendency? I would say first to pray, don’t condemn, dialogue, understand, make space for them. Let them express themselves,' he said.
'.... Another thing is when it shows itself after 20 years of age or so. But I’ll never say that silence is a remedy. To ignore a son or daughter with homosexual tendencies is a lack of paternity and maternity. You are my son or daughter, as you are, I’m your father, mother, let’s talk…don’t throw them out of the family.'"
His humanity, versatility, understanding, and spirituality comes across. He is the beneficiary of higher education!
The GBoJW have a lot to learn from him. However, learning anything by the GBoJW is difficult to put it mildly!