Why all the flipflops?
1886 Sodomites Resurrected = Yes!
“Thus our Lord teaches that the Sodomites did not have a full opportunity; and he guarantees them such opportunity… it implies their awakening, their coming from the tomb.”—The Divine Plan of the Ages, 1886, pp. 110-111 (View PDF of these pages)
1952 Sodomites Resurrected = No!
“…that Sodom had already undergone the ‘judicial punishment of everlasting fire.’…Similarly, Sodom did not endure its judgment day, had failed completely, and the Jews knew its fate was sealed.”—The Watchtower, June 1, 1952, p. 338 (View PDF of the page)
1982 Sodomites Resurrected = Yes!
“By saying this, Jesus showed that at least some of the unrighteous people of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah will be present on earth during Judgment Day. Although they had been very immoral, we can expect that some of them will be resurrected.”—You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, 1982, p, 178 (View PDF of the page)
1989 Sodomites Resurrected = No!
“Will such terrible wicked persons be resurrected during Judgment Day? The scriptures indicate that apparently they will not… Yes, for their excessive immorality the people of Sodom and of the surrounding cities suffered a destruction from which they will apparently never be resurrected.”—You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, 1989ed, p, 178 (Note: Same book and page number, but a different edition date) (View PDF of the page)