Interesting thought. If we say that JW's, Mormons, etc. are 'cults' because they are not affilated with any 'mainstream' religious organisation, and that their founder is a man who becomes a sort of figurehead, could not the same be said of the organisation founded by Christ? His followers seperated themselves off from the organized religion of the day, and could be said to have presented a fanatical view to the point of being willing to die for their beliefs. ("Greater love hath no man.") If we do not accept the Bible account as literal then Jesus was only a man who decided to found a religion that later took his name.
Did Christ start a cult?
by petespal2002 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, Pete, at least you admit that there is a Jesus. So many skeptics question even his existence. You would have to prove to them that there was a historical Jesus before you could proceed to the cult bit.
refiners fire
I read a book a few years ago that postulated Christ was the humpback bastard son of a Roman Centurion that shagged Mary. Ostensibly a Serious study. I think the debunkers get a bit carried away with things.
This is interesting. I do not define "cult" as a "non mainstream religion", but I do believe the Bible promotes some cult-like behavior. This web site shows the traits (or rather warning signs) of a cult:
Most of these traits apply to JW's. Most JW's would probably think this list of warning signs is blatantly anti-JW, but it's not! This list is a general description of cults. Of course the JW's define cult in their publications as "a group that follows a human leader" or something to that effect, which they quickly deny by saying God is their leader.
Many cult-ish behavior of the JW's are seemingly justified by the Bible. The Bible is either too easy to manipulate or it simply does promote cult-like behavior.
IMHO, yes.
I believe that I have liberty in Christ. Cults bind people not free them. You would do well to define cult. To call a belief a cult simply because they would die for it, then you could consider the army a cult. Your definition needs to be
I have liberty in Christ
I have no idea what that means.
I think that Jesus was a very charasmatic man with good intentions. Cult? Maybe.
The original "Nazarien" movement was in it's self a jewish movement, I'm not sure if it was a cult or not. This is what originally started the "Christian" movement that totally broke from the Jewish religon. The Nazariens still considered themselves to be Jewish in beliefs and religous laws, but not the christians. In the early days after Paul started the Actual Christian religon, it was considered by the Romans to be a Jewish Cult, even though the christians did not accept that they were jewish in religon, or bound by jewish religous laws. So in effect, being that Christianity was much like the Mystery cults in it's make up and beliefs, I would say Paul started a Cult, but as far as Jesus, well, as was stated earlier he has not beyond a reasonable doubt been proven to have existed, but who ever started the Nazarien movement that spawned the Christian religon, really started more of a Jewish movement and not a breakaway cult.
Seedy -
A Paduan
I think Jesus was the major cult-buster - and now other people have started cults that include strange ideas about Him.