cheeses - in a state of sleep depravation.
by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 4 Replies latest jw friends
cheeses - in a state of sleep depravation.
Whew! I thought you were going to say "wax". One of my daughters in law works with a woman who had one last summer. She said it hurt so bad, she quit before they finished.
I'm not sure what it entails, but I can imagine.
She said it hurt so bad, she quit before they finished.
I thought you were going to say, it hurts so good.
Now that's a line of work I wish I had taken up - a bikini waxer. Plenty of opportunities opening up before you. Though I don't think it's a very male dominated profession.
cheeses (honing his razor)
I beleive a Brazilian wax treatment, is used to remove the entire area of the bikini line. There's so many different names for each section of the area where they leave the hair and not. It's easy to get confused.