Trained to Keep Our Mouths Shut
by compound complex 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
never a jw
I guess this system of Satan (humanists and humanitarian movements) is getting tired of all these God fearing fundamentalists and has decided to expose them for what they are: hypocrites, liars and abusers -
Thanks Coco.
Same mentality as the JWs. Sweep everything under the rug, ignore the victims and protect the organisation. My involvement with the JW goes way back when physical discipline was the only form used and kids were crying on their way to the washroom because they knew they were there to get spanked for just being normal kids during the meeting.
never a jw
i stopped accompanying my wife about three years ago, soon after I learned ttatt, But I still hear that spanking is not only condoned, but encouraged. If you don't spank your kid, you are a bad, or at least a weak parent. Total submission is demanded since birth. No wonder, young JW's have a hard time adjusting to the real, often more compassionate and ethical, world beyond the walls of JW land..
compound complex
You're welcome, NVR2L8, and, also, thanks to you and never a jw for commenting.
This link was sent to me by an ex-JW family member who suffered horribly from parental corporal punishment. The police and CPS finally got involved.
And, to think, for years we misinformed family members were told the child was rebellious and wanted no part of the Truth.
compound complex
Gratefully acknowledged, ZAPPA-ESQUE!
We watched this last night. The similarities to the WT is incredible! Thanks for sharing. -
compound complex
You're welcome, ToesUp!
Too close for comfort.