Findind Intelligence Algorithms
by Brokeback Watchtower 7 Replies latest watchtower bible
FYI: "Finding" has a "g" at the end of it, not a "d."
I guess your algorithms missed that.
RECOMMENDATION: Next time try using the spellcheck feature in your word processing program to assist you in proofreading your posts. A "spell checker" is a rudimentary AI plugin that actually works fairly well, although most still can't tell which form of there/their/they're to use.
Do you have a point to make with these posts? I'm currently taking a graduate machine learning course right now, so I'm curious why you are interested in this topic (a cool topic I'll admit).
Brokeback Watchtower
Well I'm interested in the subject but haven't taken any courses. I'm actually very interested in how our brains work and Google Deep Mind and so I thought there maybe others that might find these topics interesting.
I have no point I want to make just sharing something interesting.