2016 convention. Was there a leaflet / public invitation campaign this year?

by stuckinarut2 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    Just wondering if there was the usual hyped up leaflet distribution campaign this year or not?

    As the convention seems more focussed on an "internal" message to keep witnesses loyal, did they want the public there?

    And what would first time attenders really think if they heard the convention content??

  • LostGeneration

    My girlfriend had one put in her door...can't remember the exact wording on it!! Would indeed be weird as hell as an outsider to attend this convention. Talk about your WTF moment.

  • konceptual99
  • Finkelstein

    And what would first time attenders really think if they heard the convention content??

    Answer = what is this some kind of high controlling religious cult ?

    Being loyal to the lying corrupt Watchtower Corporation is being loyal to God.

    What the Fu.k. !

  • sir82

    Yeah, any non-JW dumb or curious enough to attend would have left utterly convinced steer clear.

    Can you imagine - some schlub walks in off the street, and sees a video of a bunch of JWs holed up in a basement, with secret-code knocks and furrowed brows, who are then confronted with heavily armed stormtroopers who are looking for "any witnesses here"?

    He'd be out the door in seconds, muttering about wack-a-doodles with a persecution complex.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, it often takes an outsider to highlight things that those inside take for granted or overlook!

  • Divergent

    Over here, they're inviting people to a convention which is hundreds of miles away! Pure stupidity & a total waste of time!!!

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