Apparently, some people never bother to read the posting guidelines. There are lots of helpful things in there about what to post and what not to post which explain why posts may occasionally be removed and how to complain if you think we've made a wrong decision.
The typical reasons are they they are either harassing someone over a difference of opinion (play the ball, not the person) or are simply off topic. A rose may be beautiful but if it's in a wheat field, it's still a weed. Likewise, if you want to promote or whine about something completely irrelevant to the topic being discussed, expect it to be removed. If it's to whine about me or the forum, expect it to be removed. It's not what the forum is here for - if you don't like it, don't use it. If you think you can bully me into changing my mind by posting accusations publicly on my own site, well, you will find that you can't.
My all time favourite though that has just come up is the idea that I delete and then undelete things on a whim.
Specifically, they thought that when they signed out I deleted a topic so it couldn't be seen and when they signed in again I put it back!
Yeah, just when I thought I'd heard them all, talk about paranoid ...
As much as it makes me chuckle that people think I have the time or energy to sit here, watching what they do, just waiting to pounce like that, I have no idea what they imagine I would want to accomplish by doing it.
I'm sure everyone can immediately see the Occams Razor explanation: if you post something in the members only area and then sign out, you don't see it in the list of topics but will when you sign back in again. Simple and obvious ... right?
I've also been accused of deleting things that are still right there, they just haven't bothered to look (do people think their post will stay at the top for the rest of eternity?).
So maybe don't be too quick to decide something is malevolent and start bad mouthing me.
But also, if I do delete something and you try and complain about it - don't imagine I give a shit. I get accused of it all the time even when I haven't so why would anyone imagine I care about being accused of deleting things that I have actually deleted?
It's just part of moderating the site.