by JohnTron7 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JohnTron7

    I've been posting this for a few years now but, my post get pulled. So I will try again so that others will read and understand the validity of my statements. While for years Watch Tower have declared their thoughts of world changing events leading to the UN as the Catalyst for turning on religion recently calling Russia the final King of the North which has breen debated for decades. But, identifying Rushia just because their leader has tried to suppress the Witness work, is no where near the scale of Hitler's day. The growing threat to Christianity will come swiftly by laws established by Gay senators that overturn religious freedoms in favor of total inclusitivity for Lgbtq people into houses of worship. The first sqeeze of this rope will be to force churches to pay taxes on properties that have alays been exempt.That is of course unless the church cave in and changes their stance out of fear. The few religions remaining who see these unholy acts as detestable to God will then be turned against by political and religious leaders, much the way Pontius Pilate left punishment to the Jewish leaders. This threat will not come like a Soviet attack or nuclear bombardment. it will come from quiet laws pushed through by the record amount of LGBTQ in politics now. The propaganda they use has affected how people believe already.

    If you don't see this from within happening around you already, get ready because it's an unstoppable storm until Jehovah acts to save the remaining faithful.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Didn’t Jesus say, “Come to me and I will give you peace”?

    Why are you going to Jehovah instead? Don’t you believe that “all power had been given’ Jesus in heaven and earth?

  • Smiles
    The growing threat to Christianity will come swiftly by laws established by Gay senators

    A bigger threat to WT will come swiftly by closeted gay WT elites.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    So JT, did God tell you this personally?

  • joao

    NBD, that's the right question!

  • iloowy.goowy

    I don't think Revelation nor Ezekiel, nor Daniel point to homosexuality as a leading cause of End Times events. So to me your post sounds more like bare naked and blatant homophobia perhaps due to some suppressed sexual inclinations and fantasies, leading to these wild speculations, long JohnTron7. Do you still have to pummel your body over same sex attractions? Reflecting on that may help.

  • JohnTron7

    Iloowy.goowy, an obvious atrempt by homosexuals is to try to cluster in anyone as homophobic, who point out anything that infringes upon their prefrence so, thanks for outing yourself Another thing they try to do is take great people and after they die try to attach them as secret suppressed closeted homosexuals , including Walt Disney or Jesus Christ himself. Your reply shows my statement urked your own secret tendicies clearly not mine and anyone reading will read that now. Go Ilooey Goowy yourself, fiddle with your dewiddle or whatever else you must be clearly doing.

  • Gorb

    I do not believe in the WT version of world events that would lead to THE end.

    But i'm a deep conservative that with deep sorrow see events that make live worsening.

    It's from all times, history repeat itself.

    All the left wing shit of woke and rights for all makes me sick.


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