Do You Know the Most Repeated Command in the Bible?
- Cristina Rutkowski FordWhat topic related to Christianity, faith, and the Bible is trending online and in social media today?
- 2017Nov 21
The combination of “Bible” and “command” usually has some solemn, and sometimes grim, connotations. And understandably so. Especially in the Old Testament, there is an unavoidable connection with God’s commands with his consequences — some of which appear uncomfortably harsh. Especially for our modern sensibilities.
So if someone asked after the most common command in the Bible, your mind would probably immediately jump to some serious “do nots”, “shall nots”, reprimands, and rules.
But what if someone told you God’s most repeated command in the Bible was to be happy?
Before launching into an elaborate theological counter-argument, let’s take a closer look at this point. In his article on Desiring God, Jon Bloom highlights the following as the most repeated Biblical commands:
“Praise the Lord”
“Do not be afraid”
“Give thanks”
Is this not a sample of the NWT 2013 Revision in the hand of someone holding the Bible?
Taken from Crosswalk, an evangelical website: (