This happened in Queensland, Australia, today. I am proud to be a member of the Australian Labor Party and have worked in politics for the last two terms of their government in Queensland.
Failure to report confession of child abusers offence created in Queensland, Australia
by naomidangerlee 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thank you very much! These new laws are long overdue and hopefully they will aid in bringing some of these criminals to justice. These religions have covered this up far too long.
Great news.
Especially given qld jws had the worst case of cover up, (as far as we know to date) of child abuse.
Great work and keep it up. I am aware of some in other states.
P.S. I knew the guy, Jackson, that wrote the 'when the dust settles' recommendation letter.
Not to be confused with the jackson that believes 'only spokesman for god' would be presumptuous'.
The Fall Guy
Paedophiles & paedophilia have been shown to be organised, perpetrated, and protected by those at the highest levels* of trusted institutions in society, namely, religions, politicians, judges, senior police officers, and lawyers.
The facts show that the WTBTS hierarchy's record overwhelmingly proves that they condone, support, & conceal paedophiles within their cult.
The Warwick Pharisees very quickly issued a letter which instructed elders to report "trolley abuse" to the police, but refuse to tell JW's to do the same for child abuse.
This fact alone should raise questions in people's minds, "Why is the org's hierarchy (* see above) refusing to be proactive against paedophiles and refusing to obey and cooperate with law-enforcement agencies?"
"Why is the org's hierarchy refusing to be proactive against paedophiles and refusing to obey and cooperate with law-enforcement agencies?"
Because doing so would expose the true scope of the problem to the rank-and-file in a way that couldn't be refuted or dismissed as "apostate-driven lies"...
...thus undermining their claim of being "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization".
And once a doubter clues in to that revelation, it's all over.
Black Sheep
They are going to have to be careful how they word it because an accusation isn't a confession. If it isn't worded correctly a BOE might be able to choose to avoid reporting an accusation that doesn't have two witnesses to weasel their way out of having to besmirch the public image of the church.
If only God’s Channel could have reported allegations to the authorities even when the law did not require it. If only they didn’t need Satan’s minions to compel them, but did so out of a sense of moral duty.
If they had consistently done what any sane and moral person would have done for decades then all of this would not be happening.
Huh?... I guess you really do reap what you sow..
DD 🤔
If I understand OP correctly, confessions are to be reported to the authorities, not accusations. It's good to see that the Australian Labor Party is mandating common sense limitations on the clergy-penitent privilege. This same issue is being litigated in the United States.
However, how many cases of this nature come to light as the result of an abuser's confession? In the cases involving JWs, it is the action of an accuser, not a confessor that brings the situation to light, as far as I know.
Once it is clearly understood by all that child abuse is a crime, then religion can step aside and let law enforcement and the courts investigate accusations and prosecute. If a religion wants to take measures to rehabilitate the sinner (including false accusers) that's fine; but not before the proper authorities are called upon.
Good for you Queensland!
I see elders being thrown under buses.
DNCall - "...In the cases involving JWs, it is the action of an accuser, not a confessor that brings the situation to light, as far as I know..."
It should be failure to report allegations/accusations that should be the focus of the law.