T2 Trainspotting - bit disappointing

by LoveUniHateExams 3 Replies latest social entertainment

  • LoveUniHateExams

    So, I saw T2 Trainspotting (2017), the sequel to the 1996 original.

    I love the original, so this film was a bit of a letdown.

    First it had way too much nostalgia. It could be described as a nostalgia-fest. One particular scene, the one where Spud, Renton and Sick Boy return to the countryside to lay flowers in memory of Tommy, is really touching.

    But there are so many more nods back to the original film that it started to piss me off.

    Another thing: this is supposed to be twenty years later. And Sick Boy is still dying his hair platinum blond. Really?! These characters are basically the same as when we left them at the end of the original. It kinda makes them sad, middle-aged men.

    On the other hand, if some character development had occurred or been inferred and they were reformed characters, that would probably have been boring.

    So, the film makers were kinda out of ideas.

    This film isn't really that bad - it is a mixed bag that is worth a watch.

    I guess I'm moaning about it because I love the original and this is definitely a step down.

    What did you make of it?

  • truth_b_known

    I saw the original in the theater when it came out. Then I read the book. Do read the book!

    I would steer clear of the sequel movie.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Hi t_b_k - I've never read the book.

    What has put me off so far is that the author writes a lot of Scots dialect for the characters' speech. And something about that seems a bit naff to me ...

  • Diogenesister

    Truth_be_known The book is brilliant. Film is ok.

    Love uni On the other hand, if some character development had occurred or been inferred and they were reformed characters, that would probably have been boring.

    That would be right. In my experience all ex addicts who reform get really straight and boring, they are so terrified of living....of unpacking their "risk taking" genes in case the trip gets out of hand!! So they buckle down to the tamest life they can manage.

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