When I was a kid, I was occasionaly attend to baptism at conventions, and I remember that brothers who immerses candidates in the water, said: "right hand to nose, left hand to right hand, and I baptise you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit, amen". I remeber that same mantra at my baptism too, back in the eighties. But, some years ago, I was asked to help to move some props around baptism pool, so I attend to baptism after so many years - there was no "in the name of the..." part. I asked a nearby elder, why is that? and he gave me look like I said something nasty, and he said: "we don't use that phrase for decades, dude..."
So, I missed that "new light" or what? Is there some official instruction about that change? It should be in the late eighties or nineties. I tried to search here on forum, but can't find anything.
In the name of the...
by btlc 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's called being immersed into religious corruption.
The holy spirit is supposed to be entwined and guiding the JWS organization, but then again that's what every Christian based religion says.
The JWS religion is against the acceptance or belief of the Trinity ( 3 parts of one to make up the god head ) which most of Christendom accepts.
Never paid attention to that detail. Don't remember if anything at all was said during my baptism. However, btlc:
...he gave me look like I said something nasty, and he said: "we don't use that phrase for decades, dude..."
that's a more relevant issue to me.
Thx for link, deegee.
I know about baptismal questions changes, I reread that w85 article, and I browsed BOE-file.pdf period 1985-1990, but didn't find any instruction about words given at the moment of the immersion. I'm browsing "Kingdom Ministry" from 1985. onward, but I'm still pretty sure that words "I baptise you in the name of the father, son and holy spirit, amen" was present some years after 1985's change of baptismal vows. -
The people who do get baptized as a JWS now have to make an oath of allegiance to the head GB members (FDSL) so now its to the organization as well ????
This act in biblical times was for an individual to make an oath of devotion to Jesus Christ, to uphold his guidance and direction.
Pete Zahut
there was no "in the name of the..." part. I asked a nearby elder, why is that? and he gave me look like I said something nasty, and he said: "we don't use that phrase for decades, dude...
Snarky Elder: "we haven't used that phrase for decades, dude...
You: Was that because it wasn't correct to baptize people in the name of the holy spirit?
Snarky Elder: Yeah...there was new light about that years ago...(duh)
You: So I guess that means the baptisms of all of us who were baptized in the name of the holy spirit, was never valid....good to know !
I don't recall such a statement on my baptism, many decades ago. These are the public questions, currently, to be audibly answered by all candidates together, courtesy of jwfacts.com
" The first question is:
On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
The second is:
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism." -
I'm just realizing that there is a problem with the link I provided above so I have re-posted it here (the colons at the end of the link above results in an error):
This website provides Watchtower quotes which show the changes that took place over time regarding baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit.
Thx again, deegee, I managed it already. I'll check all the references mentioned there.