Terrorists come from all walks of life and religion. Terrorism has very broad terms , eg Saddam Hussain was a friend to the US for years but when it suited US to land grab mr Hussain had Weapons of mass destruction. Even though he was a terrorist by nature, politics can be cruel.
With these radicals that believe that taking innocent life is gods will , it is the highest form of cult behaviour, dying for the cause. I can't think of to many national groups or religions that haven't breed a radical. We all remember that guy who blew the shit out of that KH in Sydney years ago wow what was going through that guys mind. It's total mind control and there is way to many loonies out there.
Now there's no suggestion of blowing up WT carts . Now you have all been put on notice not to do a kamikaze at the book stand . There will be some cheap Russian carts available on eBay soon. Imagined if they tried to open a KH in the tribal areas of Pakistan, nail bombs for breakfast . The moral of the story is ...where is there no war zone ?and are we surrounded by people in a mentally stable nature.