Australian blood donor who saved 2.4 million babies dies

by Diogenesister 4 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Diogenesister

    Blood donor James Harrison has died aged 88 in Australia (17th Feb) has saved the lives of over 2 million babies. After receiving a huge blood transfusion during heart surgery aged 14, he vowed to become a donor at 18. He held the record for the most blood plasma donated until recently, donating every two weeks from the age of 18. His blood produced anti D used to produce jabs that protect unborn babies from hemolytic disease of the foetus & newborn (HDFN). This occurs in pregnancy when a mothers red blood cells are incompatible with her babys. Her immune system sees her babys blood cells as a threat and attacks them, which can be lethal causing severe anemia & heart failure in her baby.

    James even saved two of his own grandchildren with his blood plasma. Nothing any witness could do could ever compare with the joy and happiness this man has given to millions of desperate parents.

  • NotFormer

    It flies in the face of the WT assumption* that you'll probably inherit something nasty from someone else's blood. In this case, you inherit something good.

    Can you still find WT articles where someone had a blood transfusion and went weird because they'd acquired the donor's characteristics?

    * One of their many assumptions about blood

  • Diogenesister

    I certainly remember being told that as a child Not former! I'm not sure if it's anywhere in writing ..I imagine there is! I'll have to see if I can dig it out somewhere. There was so many crazy stories told about blood transfusions.

    Now I understand JW medical staff have been told not to administer it, let alone prescribe it. They have Bethel doctors & nurses. If they continue with that ruling they won't have any in a few years because such a ruling will prohibit any one training as medics in future🤷‍♀️

  • TD

    They don't make that absurd claim anymore although I would imagine there are still some elderly JWs who believe it.

    It you go back to the mid 60's and beyond, that silliness was everywhere:

  • FedUpJW

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