JWdom is dead/done as an org that will attract outsiders (at least quality ones). Back when I became a JW, there were in my area eight engineers, two dentists, an attorney, a veterinarian, two medical doctors, a college professor with a doctorate, a high school teacher with a BS in physics, a number of deep-thinking & intelligent ex-hippie types, and a number of smarter, successful businessmen who became JWs. JWdom will never again be attractive to such types.
Therefore, in order to survive, it has to internalize - to focus on keeping what it has and indoctrinating the born-ins. I think that a Franz type figure would serve better for that purpose. He at least seemed to be deeper, more intelligent, more scholarly, etc. than the GB members of today. Though we now view him as being eccentric and maybe delusional, he did seem to be a sincere true believer. He seemed to focus on the Scriptures rather than cartoons, talk shows, pop music, etc. He wrote much deeper material. He was put high up on a pedestal back in earlier decades.
Some might justifiably argue that the new JWdom (dumbed down, trying to be hip and relevant) will serve to better retain current JWs and their offspring. It might, but I don't think so. I think JWdom will continue to weaken with its current "personality" and atmosphere. I think that a Franz type would better serve the org in retaining what it has - especially the smarter ones. Take, for example, types like my deceased JW grandfather. He was a zealous, true believer. He thought Franz was in Jah's right hand. My grandfather was smarter and more level-headed and reasonable than current JWs. I honestly think that being in the current JWdom would have awakened him, but with a Franz type leader, I believe he never would have awakened. He might have been baffled as to why the end didn't come when it was supposed to, but he would have trusted in the org and excused mistakes.
The org is just so shallow and dumbed down and corny and cheesy and embarrassing now... the leaders are so obviously not qualified... that I think the org will continue to bleed. I think that a change to a Franz type leader would infuse strength and life into it. However, it's a different world now. The internet changed everything. It would be hard for the org to become analytical and (seemingly) scholarly again because the masses have been equipped with a way to instantly fact check and research.
So, I think the org would fare better with a Franz type, but it can never again be like it was in earlier decades. The glory days are over; the heyday is over.