dubs are right no matter what

by SpiceItUp 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    I was talking with my mom and great uncle the other night about this new diet/way of eating I am trying out. What I am doing is based on sound nutritional advice from doctors and nutritionists. It is even working as I have lost a few pounds and feel alot better than I have in a while. But my great uncle (over-weight and in poor health) decided he needed to argue with me over the concepts of what I am doing. My mother wouldn't get too involced and said she had to do more research on what he was talking about (maybe there's hope for her yet).

    It made me think that no matter what you are talking about if you are talking with dubs whether it be about remedies, weather, or money making opportunities they all seem to always be "right". You can't have a normal conversation with them about anything because it shortly turns into "I am right...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......etc and so on"

  • JH
    You can't have a normal conversation with them about anything because it shortly turns into "I am right...blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......etc and so on"

    Yes it's true what you say. Since they have the "truth", they are right on everything.

    I never understood why they published the Awake magazine. It only talks about scientific or medical stuff, as if they are engineers or doctors. It talks about everything except bible stuff, compared to the Watchtower magazine.

    So, like you say, the witnesses think they can talk about any topic and win the conversation.

    They know their bible, but for the rest, they can leave that to others.

  • Maverick

    I does seem you have a valid point here SpiceItUp. I wonder if it is because they have answers for everything. They understand everything. Their little demigods up in Brooklyn have laid the whole history of humanity in a nice neat package. And anything that is not flat out spelled out is answered with, "in Jehovah's due time it will be reveald!" It is very comforting to have all the answers about all of lifes situations.

    I have seen a lot of J-duds not look after their health and their families health because the new system was right around the corner and God will fix this problem or that problem. So why spend the time and money now. The attitude was; you are showing a lack of faith if you get corrective surgery or braces or worry about your diet. God's new system will fix it. What foolishness! Maverick

  • onacruse

    Mav, having the answers for everything is a fundamental premise of a high-control group, eh? After all, if 1) they don't have all the answers, then either 2) you look elsewhere for the answers, 3) you think out the answers for yourself.

    In all 3 cases, they lose their authoritative control, ergo

    they all seem to always be "right".
  • oldcrowwoman



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