" you will know my people, by the love they show amongst themselves "
I have found the elders to be some of the most, unloving, self righteous, judgemental, human beings in the world. By definition of what a shepard is supposed to be, elders fail miserably. True shepards, are vigilant, both day and night, to protect the flock from predators. If a sheep is lost, or straying to far from the flock, they are diligantly searched for, until found. The shepards in the middle east, are/were experts at slinging stones, hence the story of David and Goliath. They will use their slings and stones, to shoot stones, with incredible precision, at all predators who endanger the flock.
Elders will NEVER be good shepards, because, instead of protecting a sheep, when one is lost or straying, they literally "kick it out" of the flock. Through their tactics of Disfellowshipping, shunning, marking, judgeing, they show that they have NO love for any in the flock. In fact, most of the times, it is their very actions that cause the sheep to stray, stumble, and become lost.
Can you imagine a TRUE shepard, literally throwing their sheep to the wolves? Well, elders have been doing this for many, many years, and all under the , hypocrytical, guise of love. Their time is, soon to be at its end. Their sands are circling the hourglass, and their time is over. The numbers speak for themselves, as many are now waking up, and would rather be loved, than hated, and must leave the org to find that love.