Coroners Report New South Wales Australia

by jonahstourguide 6 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • jonahstourguide

    Hi Folks.

    Spotted this.

    Coroner condemns Jehovah's Witness blood transfusion rules after follower's hospital death

    12h ago12 hours ago
    An old image of Heather Winchester sitting on the couch holding her baby grandson.

    Heather Winchester, who died in 2019, with her grandson. ( Supplied: Elizabeth MacIntyre)

    In short:

    The NSW Deputy State Coroner has found a Jehovah's Witness bled to death in hospital after refusing blood in 2019.

    He said instructions written by the organisation in America did not take into account when acceptable blood products were not available and "should not be used at all".

    What's next:

    The coroner made 14 recommendations, including that surgical teams read a patient's clinical notes before operating.

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    A deputy state coroner has recommended Jehovah's Witnesses stop relying on the organisation's "misleading" blood-refusal guidance after a follower bled to death.

    Heather Winchester, 75, died from complications after hysterectomy surgery at a NSW hospital in September 2019.

    Mrs Winchester lost more than a litre of blood after the elective surgery at Maitland Hospital and was urgently transferred to Newcastle's John Hunter Hospital.

    The 75-year-old refused a blood transfusion on religious grounds.

    NSW Deputy State Coroner David O'Neil on Wednesday found she bled to death when her organs failed.

    Mr O'Neil said a blood transfusion could have saved her life but Mrs Winchester rejected the procedure in her care plan.

    "In order for an individual to become baptised (as a) Jehovah's Witness, they must not accept a transfusion of whole blood and the main components are to be refused as a violation of God's law," he said.

    An old image of Heather Winchester and her husband John.

    Heather and her husband John Winchester. (Supplied: Elizabeth MacIntyre )

    Work sheets condemned

    Before her surgery, Mrs Winchester had also spoken to doctors about work sheets parishioners were given by the church outlining unacceptable blood products.

    Mr O'Neil said blood substitutes deemed acceptable in the document were non-human donor haemoglobin and artificial haemoglobin, but this left Mrs Winchester's doctors in a bind.

    "There were no haemoglobin products (of that type) in Maitland Hospital or in the Hunter New England Local Health District or anywhere in New South Wales," he said.

    "In my view, it was completely inappropriate the work sheets in this form were available for Mrs Winchester to complete in 2018 when no haemoglobin products were available to her (in 2019)."

    Mr O'Neil said the work sheets were printed in America and "inappropriate for use in New South Wales".

    "It is an example of problems arising from the church seeking to provide medical info to congregants in NSW ... within documents published in America.

    "I am at a loss to understand why the church wants work sheets accessible at all. They should not be used at all for any purpose."

    Church officials told the inquest the church did not provide medical information to members as it was a religious organisation, not a medical organisation.

    Mr O'Neil made 14 recommendations, including that the local health district put in place a requirement that the surgical team review pre-anaesthetic clinic notes before to surgery.

    My comments,,,,,,

    (we don't provide medical information but we print and distribute "no blood cards" to all congregants)


  • DesirousOfChange

    I think we all know the Blood Doctrine is pure BS -- it is erroneous reasoning.

    But the average R&F JW (esp older ones) see it as a matter of loyalty to God. The gov't officials and many other persons may not agree with her choices, but she is an adult and we assume mentally stable (at least as any JW), so she should have the right to make her decision on the matter.

    Why Liberals can't be fixed... - Imgflip

  • NotFormer

    "Church officials told the inquest the church did not provide medical information to members as it was a religious organisation, not a medical organisation."

    Yet what are these "work sheets" that are being referred to here?

    "Before her surgery, Mrs Winchester had also spoken to doctors about work sheets parishioners were given by the church outlining unacceptable blood products"

    That pretty well gives the lie to the first quote up above. Theocratic warfare at its finest.

    The WT blood dogma probably gives the impression that alternatives to blood transfusions are readily available anywhere, but those alternatives weren't available in the entire state of New South Wales. It feels like the coroner is tearing his hair out in frustration over the situation.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    I despise the blood policy of the JW's. Not only has it become confusing, this case is a good example of how a one size fits all approach does not work on an international level when it comes to health policies.

    What I really hate though, is the unnecessary pressure it puts on well-meaning and dedicated hospital staff.

    What I really, really hate are the lies made by the JW spokeperson that 'they dont offer medical guidance', when they are putting peoples lives at risk by doing exactly that.

  • jonahstourguide

    Hey joey jojo.

    I am with you and your reasoning.

    As an ex jw with 'in' friends I find it unconscionable how the management lie and continue to mislead all congregants.

    It is about time that government departments including health facilities move on this deplorable practice.

    And yes DOC, everyone has a choice with regard to medical procedures. However, it is of no use to use that argument when it comes to the jw demand of "no blood" You must agree its an impost on every congregants freedom. You do realise they need to update that particular directive annually as any search of their meeting programs will reveal.

    Good health to all that want to enjoy a life free of religious heinous control.


  • Balaamsass2

    JW reasoning is faulty. I believe orthodox rabbis are correct. Blood represents life. Life is sacred. Watchtower is blood guilty.

  • Magnum

    Yep, DOC & Balaamsass2, it is faulty/erroneous reasoning and people are dying for it.

    The whole point has to do with respect for life which is sacred. I agree that life is sacred, precious, etc. and that we should have great respect for it. However, the Bible shows that one should be willing to give his life for another. So he can give his life, but not the symbol of his life, to save another???????? That just does not make sense. I can jump in front of a speeding train and die to save you, but I can't give a few ounces of the symbol of my life to save you??? You can accept my life, but not the symbol of it???

    What's more important - a symbol or that which it symbolizes? What's more important - peace between two nations or a dove which symbolizea that peace?

    I think somebody at headquarters knows the reasoning is faulty, but the leaders can't change it because of all the lives that have been lost because of it. That's why they came up with the fractions nonsense.

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