No big deal just wanted to share it with you guys. I like this guys videos and follow him on you tube . so you don't have to watch the entire video the time mark is about 8:21. This guy walks past some street signs, perhaps some can ID this KH in NYC
Prepper video guy walks past a kingdom hall
by greenhornet 4 Replies latest jw friends
Just a mentally off balanced person who was a preper before all this recent turmoil.
Some of these clubs/associations have heavily armed themselves and practiced with their weapons for when society turns into a violent civil war.
Nutters in other words.
There are literally KH everywhere. It's like posting a 30 minute episode of storage wars and one of the units has an AWAKE magazine on the floor. LoL
If you care to visit:
Upper Harlem Congregation
90 Bradhurst Ave., New York, NY 10039
very good sad elder