Nicolas King starting to be removed from website

by neat blue dog 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    It took them much longer than expected, but all the WT Chorus videos in which he was a member have been removed from the music videos section. Interestingly the audio version of song 141 in which he sings, as well as even his solos like song number 127 all remain, but as we know appearance is all that matters. Also of course his role in the drama "These Words Must Be On Your Heart" can't be easily fixed but that's less of a problem as he was playing a 'bad guy' to begin with.

  • Mikejw

    Yes he played a straight guy who thought is was fine to be gay. At the time he was a gay guy pretending to be straight.

    has he been disfellowshipped for being gay?

  • careful

    Excuse my ignorance but who is this Nicolas King? The name is common enough. There's the Hollywood actor who died in 2012 and another chap with that name who's a Catholic Bible translator, but obviously the one here must be some well-known Witness. Anybody want help out here?

  • Listener

    Careful - here's a link with a little more information. You can also google to see how well known he is

    Neat Blue Dog, you reported about it 8 months ago. Watchtower is very slow to react. No doubt they are unable to accept any news reports as a witness and had to rely on their professional snooping detectives.

  • Mikejw

    He looks so happy being out of the Borg.

    there are so many gay people brought up JWs who are just not attracted to the opposite sex. They go through such a confusing process with conflicting sexual repression

  • careful

    Thx, Listener. Now I see the ID. It is a common name.

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