A few of you follow our research into watch tower history. I've posted a rough draft of a chapter from upcoming volume 2 of Separate Identity. On-point comments are welcome. enjoy ...
Rough Draft Chapter from our Next Book
by vienne 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hello Vienne,
The information you have collected is astounding. Since my interest lies in History, I wanted to confirm one detail that you have mentioned under the column "Glasgow/Scotland":
Albert Hudson, editor of Bible Study Monthly, a British Bible Student publication, says that the first organized meetings were in Glasgow starting in 1883. He presents no other details
However, I found some information mentioned by AO Hudson - when I was going through in the following link :
Now, in June 1882, little more than six months after the distribution of the booklet in this country, a dozen people in Glasgow, chiefly men folk, commenced to hold a regular meeting for the study and discussion of the Bible in this light. This was the first Bible Students’ meeting in this country, so far as records and recollection can tell. Rather appropriately, perhaps, it was a humble beginning. The organizer and leader of this initial meeting was apparently a man in a lowly walk of life—his name is lost to history—...
I am not sure but wanted to confirm from you which of the dates is accurate: 1882 or 1883.
My copy of Hudson's work says 1883. The 1882 date may come from a revision but seems unrealistic to me. I will check further. And get back to you if I find anything different.
I should add that there is nothing in Zion's Watch Tower to prove either date.
Hudson wrote:
The January HERALD very interesting. Two points in the list of dates of events 1879-1918. Start of British work shown as 1895; was in fact 1881 when Bender and Sunderlin came from USA to distribute Food for Thinking Christians in 18 or so cities of Great Britain from London to Aberdeen. First British organized class Glasgow 1883, London 1885. By 1900 there were nine classes in London area aggregating some 500 brethren. First British convention 1892 with 400 present. By 1900 a goodly number of classes all over the country. The other point, opening of London Tabernacles shown as 1900 was in fact 1911.
I found that June 1882 information in the book written by Hudson, Bible Students in Britain - A Story of a Hundred Years.
Or maybe, June 1882 was a group meeting (sort of informal), and 1883 it was organized or recognized as a class (congregation)?
Its good what you are doing vienne publishing Watchtower History /Jehovah`s Witnesses using their very own published material .
Since the Jehovah`s Witnesses often publish a sanitized version of their own history leaving out the embarrassing bits that they don`t want people to know about.
Great work you do!
After discussing this with someone who knew Hudson, I now know that he arrived at both dates via hearsay. This is not solid research. I will explain the alternate date in a footnote. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Also thanks to Gorb and Smid for their nice comments.
A bit of rough draft of my Introductory Essay is up now ... That's a work in progress. In it I try to redirect writers to the actual elements of Anglo-American religious history that are the antecedents of Russell era Watch Tower belief. Too many of those with academic pretensions ignore what history should tell them.