"Isn't this the BEST convention - EVER?" :-O

by Fay Dehr 8 Replies latest social humour

  • Fay Dehr
  • oppostate

    Kkkkkm. Good one!

  • sparrowdown

    Is the one on the right Sanderson?

  • Fay Dehr
    Fay Dehr

    I need to do version 2 with a Masonic pinkie ring, eh? ;-)

  • skin

    The end is so near!

  • Diogenesister
    Sparrowdown Is the one on the right Sanderson?

    I found it interesting his parents were not overweight.

    Parents probably over-fed him as compensation for bullying at school and the habit stuck. To start pioneering fulltime whilst still at school He must have been some nerd - a real target.

    It was sugar, rather than the holy spirit, gave him the Buzz he thought was anointing if u ask me!

  • Fay Dehr
    Fay Dehr

    Sammy Herd to Mark Sanders: "Thanking ye kindly for these fine seats Brother"

    Mark: "Isn't it a blessing? What an evidence of divine approval, these special Governing Body Throne-Seats they've installed at or WONDERFUL convention."

  • zeb

    I heard 'the best convention ever' once after I had sat through hours of elders droning on using a surplus of words when few would do and I concluded the bro who said it had never experienced good public speaking and further if this was the best then good grief what was the least?

  • Tallon

    Sammy: ... Hey Mark bro, we've got the best seats in the house

    Mark: ... yeah, and all the suckers are paying for it ... lol.

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