YES YES YES Last night my daughter graduated from nursing school . I met her when she was 8 years old and her brother was 3. They are now 23 and 17. They have been great kids and love me . It made me feel so good inside to see her on that stage . The graduation was at this big catholic church and my wife (a witness) had no problem being at least not to me.Guess who else showed up. yep "The Letter" The one who can no longer speak to me or socialized with me. Grandma . I was not going to let her spoil my special occasion so I ignored her. After the ceramony when we where taking pictures said hello to me . Hmmmmmmm not her not in this system. Maybe she was trying to make the peace. Of coarse they would not eat there at the reception so they ask me if I wanted to go to dinner with them . I said no and I don't eat and talk with people who only speak to me when it's in there best intrest . S o off I went home and they went to dinner. Now I think I made the wrong desicion because I played into there game and gave them what tey wanted. Want happen anymore it's time I make the rules.
Proud Dad
by Yesterdays Child 4 Replies latest jw experiences
I make the rules.
here here!
I can sense how proud you were to be there, Congrats on raising great kids,
Congratulations, Dad and Daughter!
The world needs more RNs. The world also needs more Dads like you who refuse to be disrespected/shunned by Witness relatives. Good job!
congratulations to you and your daughter. She has a bright future ahead of her. Be supportive.
termite 35
What a great day for you; congratulations to your daughter on all her hard work and to you for a parenting job welldone
Shame it was marred by the appearence of Grandma; though going to a Cathoilc Church and spending the afternoon with ' Satan' for her Grandaughter is something my ex-jw-friends would never do .
You say you may have 'done the wrong thing' by declining to eat with her etc; I don't think so. The shunning situation is unique to us and noone can expect more of you than to deal with things as and when they happen - you just have to do what feels right at the time. It may make her realise that in life you have to give and take if you want a relationship to continue.